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Col. Robinson Orders Six New Plans For Chi Flyers to Fight For Ethiopia

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However, it is highly probable white pilots may have to use the craft in defense of Ethiopia. Although arrangements have been completed for the bringing of the six Negro aviators, all former associates of Robinson in Chicago, the flyers have run up against a snag in the form of the U. S. Government which has failed to grant passports, according to latest advises reaching here.
Col. Robinson himself has had to answer questions because of the U. S. law against citizens joining the fighting forces of a belligerent nation. A consul attached to the American legation here called the flyer to headquarters several times to ask annoying questions, and was shut up only when Robinson ask him if he wanted Robinson's passport. The consul then stated the American government was back of the pilot 100 per cent.
[[Bolded]] English Would Muscle In [[Unbolded]]
The half dozen planes were ordered originally from the U. S., but the order was turned down because of the government embargo on goods being sent here. The English company which obtained the order is attempting to have the Emperor favor English aviators and English mechanics with the director also English. As a result, some officials believe Britain is fostering the same policy that enabled her to muscle in and eventually dominate Egypt.
Japan, on the other hand, has agreed to send as many airplanes or other necessities as are desired and with no strings attached. Ethiopian officials, however, are proceeding on the Japanese offers with extreme caution in the belief that "England won't like it if we buy too much Japanese goods."
Despite the trouble of the Chicago Negro pilots, European aviators are here trying to get jobs in the air service. From America, many white flyers have cabled their desire to come here at their own expense if the jobs are assured. Several flying vacancies were created at the end of November when the French pilots left the service. France has become very unpopular her because of her seeming sympathy with the campaign of Italy.    
[[bolded]] AIRPORT FOR PILOTS NAME [[unbolded]]
(TIMES Photo) W. T. Brown (lower left) welcomes John C. (Brown Condor) Robinson on return to Chicago from Ethiopia where he was member of flying corps. Also in the receiving line are Janet Waterford (left) and Willa B. Brown, secretary of the Challenger Air Pilots' Assn.
[[bolded]] Race Instructors Will Be Employed to Teach at Harlem Airport, 10 miles from Windy City-Trainees Need Not Have College Education. [[Unbolded]]
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Harlem Airport. 10 miles outside the city limits of Chicago, was named Monday by the United States Civil Aeronautics Authority as the first private CAA pilot school with colored flight instructors in charge of the flying course.
Announcement of the selection of Harlem Airport marked another successful stem for the integration of Negro citizens into government
Among the members of the Challenger Air Pilots Association who awaited the arrival of Colonel Robinson at the local airport were from left to right, Miss Doris K. Murphy, Miss Janet Waterford, Mrs. Billie Renfroe, Miss Brown and Mrs. James. -Chicago Defende