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[[caption]] W.T. Brown (lower left) welcomes John C. (Brown Condor) Robinson on return to Chicago from Ethiopia where he was member of flying corps. Also in the receiving line are Janet Waterford (left) and Willa B. Brown, secretary of the Challenger Air Pilots' Assn. [[/caption]]


Col. John C. Robinson, who for 13 months flew for Haile Selassie in Ethiopia, suffered two wounds, received a decoration from the erst-while emperor and won the sobriquet "Brown Condor," was "at home" today to a good part of Chicago's 250,000 Negro residents, all of whom were prepared to continue the rip-roaring acclaim which they bestowed upon him when he arrived from New York yesterday by airplane.

The Negro soldier of fortune received his old friends and new admirers in a suite at the Grand hotel, 51st st. and South Park way. From a balcony of the hotel yesterday he addressed a vast throng of his fellow Negro citizens, who had escorted him from the municipal airport. Tonight he is to be the honor guest at a banquet at Arcade hall, S. State and 35th sts.

Robinson, who owns a garage at 47 E. 47th st., which his wife managed during his absence, was undecided today whether he will remain here or accept an offer, just received, to be instructor in the auto mechanic's division of the Tuskegee (Ala.) institute.

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Outstanding Flyer Gets Award Saturday


Public To Get Chance To Meet The Nation's Best Aviators

Chicagoans will have an opportunity to witness the presentation of the Dwight H. Green trophy to America's outstanding aviator, Saturday, 8 p.m., at Wabash avenue Y.M.C.A.

The presentation will be made during a public reception which is one of the phases of the three-day session of the first national air conference sponsored by the National Airmen's association.

Outstanding flyers from various sections of the country will be on hand to meet the general public. Prizes will also be awarded to other airmen for special accomplishments.

All sessions during the conference will be held at Y.M.C.A., headquarters for the conference.

Late Thursday night, several planes were racing through the skies in an effort to capture the prize to awarded the flyer of the first plane to arrive here after midnight Thursday.

Others to receive prizes Saturday night include the oldest and youngest pilots flying here, the one having made the outstanding flight of 1938, flyer coming the longest distance by plane and others. In addition each woman flying a plane to the conference will receive a prize.

The trophy has been donated by Dwight H. Green, well known Chicago attorney, former Republican candidate for mayor of Chicago and an officer and aviator during the World War.

It is expected that Mr. Green will be at the reception to personally present the trophy.

The prizes have been donated by members of the South Side Merchants association of which A. Lincoln Wisler is president. Leo Pliner, widely known for his interest in civic matters on the South side, is chairman of the prize committee.

The conference, the first of its kind ever held for Race pilots will be history making in that it will bring most of the Race's outstanding flyers together for the first time.

Sessions will begin Friday morning with registration followed by five-hour tour of various business institutions, airports and hangars. The day will end with a cabaret party at Club DeLisa, State street near Fifty-fifth street.

Business sessions will begin Sat-