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When the Chicago Defender goodwill fliers landed in Floyd Bennett field, New York, Saturday morning, on their cross-country trek, several hundred Harlemites were on hand to greet them. In photo at left the Defender photographer spotted Munchie Lewis, Lynette Dobbins, society editor of the New York edition of the Defender; Earl Bolden, assistant manager of Apollo theatre; Marion Egbert and Clara Millinder, watching Aviators Dale White and Chauncey Spencer make a perfect three-point landing. During the height of the celebration the photographer assembled the honored guests, Joe Louis and the two aviators, with guests at the party (center). Left to right: Mal Frazier, one of the hosts; Dale White, Miss D. Smith, Sonnie Wilson, Mrs. Stepin Fetchit, Joe Louis, Mrs. Seltzer, Miss Thomas, Harlem nurse; Buddy Moore, Miss Stevens, Al Monroe, representing the Chicago Defender; Sonny Armstead and Chauncey Spencer. In photo at right, Miss Florence Murray, Defender's Washington representative is welcoming the fliers at the Washington, D.C. airport Sunday. - Photo by McAlpin and Murray.