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[[2 Columned Table]]
| Osborne Colonel | N/58. [[?]]/82. |
| O'Neill Charles | 9. |
| OConnor James. P. | 10. |
| OBrien Lt | Q/57. S/203. B/134. |
| Osbourne Frank A Lt. | 11 |
| O'Neill John O | 12.13. |
| Oates J E | H/64 |
| Ord E O C Maj Genl | H/65. A/185. |
| Overton John | M/139. |
| OBrione Lt | V/24 B/146. |
| OReily R | H/82. |
| OConnor Jno | A/223. |
| OHara James E. | 14 |
| Osurent Samuel | 14. |
| ODwyer Capt | V/294. V/328. |
| Orth G S Hon | M/197. |
| Ord Placidus Col | S/148. |

Transcription Notes:
Placidus Ord was in the U.S. Infantry