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Vol 5 
[[2 Columned Table]]
   | Page. 
--- | --- 
Property abandoned tax title on | 21. 23.
Property abandoned rules respecting payment | 105.
Property Confederate in N.C. | 101. 
Property Q.M. (See Q) |
Property of Constantine Bailey | 171.
Property of William. T. Smith | 169. 173.
Property Confederate in Texas | 207. 
Property Confederate in Virginia | 283. 289. 365.
Property Bureau (See B) | 
Property of Mrs Sothorn | 353.
Provost Courts (See Bureau) | 
Pilots request for appointment of | 221.

Vol 4
[[2 Columned Table]]
   | Page.
--- | ---
Peace Proclamation of President Johnston | 31. 205.
Property of Mrs Stannant | 199.
Property Confederate (See C) | 
Property Bureau (See B) |
Property Personal (Arrivals See A) |
Public Lands by Freedmen Colonization of | 361.
Pay of A A Surgeons (See Surgeons) | 243.

Transcription Notes: