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| March 10th 1866  #134. | Alabama. C. Cadle Jr. Col. See F. 96. Vol 5 1866.  See A. 194. Vol 4. 1866. | Montgomery Ala. March 6th 1866.  Desires information relative to the stamp duty on contracts. | March 10th 1866. Respectfully forwarded to the Commissioner of "Int. Revenue" for the information within asked for. Please return these papers. (sd) O.O. Howard. Maj. Genl Com'r. |

| Feby 25th 1866  #135 * | Alabama. C. Cadle Jr. Col. "Telegram" | Montgomery Ala. Feby 28th 1866. Genl. Swayne started this morning for Washington. Tell Judge Swayne. | March 1 1866 Filed in Ala. Official copy furnished Judge Swayne. |

| Feby 28th 1866  #136 * | Alabama. W Swayne Maj. Genl | Montgomery Ala. Feby 15th 1866.  Requests a copy of his letter of Oct 3 1865. | March 10th 1866 Filed See L.B Feby 28" 1866 |

| 1866  #137 * | Adjt. Genl. Office  C.W. Foster A.A.G. | Washington D.C. Feby 24th 1866. States that he had a conversation with Genl. Townsend who expressed his concurrence in the project involving the assistance of the Bureau to colored soldiers and their heirs in collecting their claims or dues from Govt. | March 10th 1866. Filed |

| March 2 1866  #138 | Alley John B. M.C. | Washington D.C. March 12th 1866  Forwards application of Lieut Col. A.P. Camber V R.C & recommends his detail in Freedman's Bureau. | March 12th 1866. Respectfully submitted to Genl. Vincent A.A.G. should this officer he considered fit for detail in this Bureau. it is requested that his name may be added to the list in Genl. Vincent hands. (sd) M. Woodhull A.A.G. |

| March 12th 1866  #139 * | Act. | To provide for the settlement of the accounts of certain public officers. | March 12th 1866. Filed copy placed on file for information. |

| March 13th 1866  #140 | Arledge W.G.  (One enclosure) | Harrisbusa, Ark  Feby 15" 1866  States that he has on his place an old and infirm negro woman, who he cannot provide for and desires that the Govt. take her off his hands. | March 13 1866 Respectfully referred to Brig Genl. J.W. Sprague Asst Comr. for his action (sd) M. Woodhull A.A.G. |