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Form No. 1.

Consolidated Report of persons needing supplies of food, in N.C.

[[10 Columned Table]]
|   | Whites Adults Males | Whites Adults Females | White Children | Total | Colored Adults Males | Colored Adults Females. | Colored Children | Total. | Aggregate. |
| --- | --- | --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Total in 33 Counties | 1225 | 2775 | 6171 | 10170 | 887 | 1500 | 3666 | 6053 | 1624 16224. | 

Only about 3/5 of the counties of the State are reported. In some counties no supplies are called for. It is estimated that rations for ten thousand additional persons will be required to meet the demand from the counties not yet heard from - making an aggregate of (26,224) twenty six thousand two hundred and twenty four persons requiring rations. This report is exclusive of refugees and freedmen supported in camps, who were, according to the April reports (no report having been completed for May) about Five thousand in number.

(Signed)  Thos H. Ruger
Lt. Maj. Genl. Asst. Comr