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until Monday, when the Mayor not feeling fully convinced and competent to settle the case on the evidence adduced, turned it over to the August term of the County Court requiring bail of the said Ben Brown in the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars which, he not being able to give was committed to jail This it appears so incensed some of the freedmen that they made some severe threats against the white citizens which being overheard was duly reported to the Mayor who ordered the arrest of one Bryant Langston who on being conducted to the Guard House commenced an assault on the body of the officer who had him in charge, with a knife thereby inflicting several very severe wounds in consequence of which he now lies in a very critical condition, the said freedman Bryant Langston, on making this assault was fired upon by some person or persons unknown, and killed

Enclosed please find a copy of the civil proceedings in the case.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servt.
Jas. W. H. Stickney
Major V.R.C. and Asst. Supt

Bvt. Col. A. G. Brady
Supt. Cent. Dist. 
State of NC.