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districts and Sub districts, and in place to divide the State into districts, the officers in charge of which should report direct to the Asst. Comr., - placing the officers of greatest worth and experience at the most important points and assigning two or more officers to a few of the Sub Districts, where the greatest and most important labor would be necessary.

This report has been delayed, owing in part to my absence under orders at the time when it would otherwise have been made, and in part to the occupation of time consequent on being relieved of command, and change of duties

I have the honor to state a summary of accompanying reports as follows.

No. of freedmen for whom contracts were made (a decrease)  274
No. of Schools (last month 121)  133
No. of Teachers (last month 152)  155
No. of Scholars (last month 10.606)  10.806
No. of Rations issued (last month 72.207)  44.239
Value of Rations issued (last month $15.935.08/100)  $9.290 19/100
Clothing issued  None
Hospitals  11