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Head Quarters Tod Barracks
Columbus Ohio April 9th 1866

To whom it may concern

It gives me pleasure to state the following facts, connected with the military history of Lieutenant Colonel Horace Neide of the 13th Reg't V.R.C.

Lieut Col Neide enrolled himself as a private in Co "A. 2nd Reg't Penn'a Reserves in the spring of 1861, but before muster in of the company was made its 2nd Lieutenant.

In August 1861, he was made Adjutant of his regiment and, until promoted Captain of his Company in April 1862, discharged the duties of the Adjutancy, with the utmost fidelity and efficiency.

He served as Captain with much credit during the movements which preceded and accompanied the occupation of Falmouth and Fredericksburg by the 1st Army Corps. in the spring of 1862, and thence accompanied the Penn'a Reserve Division to the Peninsula and participated in the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines Mill, and Charles City Cross Roads.

In the last named battle he was wounded