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19 West 12th

October 17, 1939.

My dear Dr. Dewhurst:-

An American Group, in cooperation with other artists' societies, has been examining the question of conducting a survey of the economic and cultural position of the artists in this country.  Some preliminary work has already been done.  Mr. C. Hartley Gratan, who participated in one of our discussions, suggested that we communicate with you.  It was his opinion that your advice might be of inestimable help to us because of your experience with similar work in related fields. 

Could you meet a small committee from our group to enlighten us upon your experience, and to point out to us the pitfalls involved?  If you can spare the time we shall be greatly obliged. 

Very truly yours,

Dr. J. Frederick Dewhurst,
c/o Twentieth Century Fund,
330 West 42nd Street,
New York, N. Y.