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November 29, 1939.

My dear Dr. Dewhurst:

Since our meeting with you the Survey Committee has been working to achieve the endorsement and active support of all the important art organizations in the City for our project, a survey of the economic status of the artist today. It is slow work. However, to date we have had meetings with delegates from all the important art societies in the City, with the exception of the National Academy of Design. These delegates have undertaken to enlist the definite support of the organizations which they represent and I believe that they will succeed. We have made no attempt to interest sponsors outside of the art societies until a formal committee representing the art societies has been definitely established.

We hope within the next few weeks to have the official committee representing the art societies organized and to have tackled the question of the sponsors. 

In the meantime, would you be good enough to advise us whether Dr. Leland of whom you spoke has returned to the City, and whether you have found an opportunity to speak to him about our project. We are anxious to hear what Dr. Leland's views are if by chance you have already had an opportunity to talk to him. If you could spare another evening for us, we would be very grateful.

Yours truly,