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Miss Katherine Schmidt   -2-   April 15, 1940

problem of the sponsorship for the study, i.e., whether it should be under a completely independent and disinterested advisory committee, or whether it should be sponsored by artists themselves. My feeling is that the possibility of financing would be enhanced if the proposal contemplated entirely independent objective study. Unless it were organized independently, it seems to me unlikely that the dealers and museums would cooperate wholeheartedly, in which case the survey would probably have to be confined to the artist group and leave out the other parts of the industry. Also, the scope of the survey is an important determinant of its probable cost and of the personnel required. These are all questions which should be thrashed out carefully before we put the memorandum into final form.

I am, therefore, enclosing two or three carbon copies. You will note that it is typed in triple space so that suggested changes can easily be made. As soon as you have had a chance to read it over and note the most glaring errors, many of which I am sure you will find, we might plan to spend an evening with Mr. Rothschild and Mr. Levi again, to consolidate suggested changes and redraft the memorandum. I don't believe it is worth while spending too much time and energy on this preliminary memorandum, but it should be in shape so that Dr. Leland, to whom I plan to send it, will not be able to spot any conspicuous errors or omissions. 

Cordially yours, 

J. Frederic Dewhurst
J. Frederic Dewhurst


P.S. I find that the memo is not entirely typed yet - will mail it tomorrow