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lative leadership of the desirability of undertaking the sponsorship of such a bill at this time.

During the course of our conversation he referred to a bill which was introduced by Senator Baum at the last session, and at this session was introduced by Senator Coudert. That bill he called a "come-on" bill. In general it provides for the creation of a temporary commission, with an allocation of $50,000, to study the desirability of establishing an art center in the State of New York. He said that the Coudert bill was in committee and was not likely to come out of committee. It really sought in the end to commit the state to the expenditure of very large sums of money. He dug out the bill for us and read its pertinent provisions to us. He said he thought that our bill was feasible and did not conflict with the Coudert bill. The Coudert bill was so general that it could possibly encompass the sort of thing which is covered by our bill, but there is no necessary conflict between the two. He agreed that the principle involved in our bill was very much worthwhile; that the principle that it would establish is important; and that it could be supported by relatively modest annual appropriations once it is enacted into law.
