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cc - Irvine Schubert

June 22, 1945

Dear Jim:

At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the committee for proposed art legislation in New York State, we discussed the question of seeing Mr. Breitel, Governor Dewey's Counsel, for further consideration of the proposed bill.  It was agreed that a committee of three, consisting of yourself, Mr. Schubert and myself were to see Mr. Breitel at his convenience.  Mr. Schubert has written Mr. Breitel, who has replied that he would be glad to see us after the special session of the State Legislature.  The date of this session has not as yet been fixed.

I am going up to my summer home in Rhode Island very soon, but I can go to Albany anytime from there.

Last night Irvine Schubert and I went over the bill and re-wrote parts of it, incorporating various changes agreed upon at the committee meeting a few weeks ago and the more recent meeting of the Executive Committee.  Mr. Schubert is having the new version typed and will send you a copy.

We were very sorry not to have you with us yesterday at the meeting of the editorial board of the Magazine of Art, but I understand how difficult it must be for you to come to New York these days.

Sincerely yours,

Lloyd Goodrich
Research Curator.

Mr. James Thrall Soby
Farmingdale, Connecticut