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purchase or erection of any such work of art except upon a certificate signed by the president or vice-president and secretary or executive secretary of the commission that the work has been completed substantially in accordance with the previous approval of the commission.

The same requirements with respect to approval of the commission apply to a building, bridge or viaduct or approach thereto, dock, pier, gate, fence, lamp or other structure erected upon land belonging to the City or upon private land which shall extend over any street, park or public place belonging to the City.

The approval of the commission shall not be required if the cost of the work of art or structure to be purchased shall exceed $250,000 and the Mayor or the City Council shall in writing request the art commission not to act. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Commissioner of Parks from [[strikethrough]] to [[\strikethrough]] refusing [[strikethrough]] e [[\strikethrough]] to consent to the erection of any public monuments within a park, square or other place under his jurisdiction.

With respect to temporary structures intended for use in a location for more than one year, approval as above stated is required by the commission, but approval shall be for a period of three years only, which may be extended, or the commission may order the removal of the building or the structure.
