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Nov. 1st 1973

My dearest Dorothy,

Hope you received my telegram about exhibiting plans, and that you kindly wrote perhaps a letter to curator Mr Ronald Alley, or sir Norman Reid letting them know about your personal interest in my work. I feel strongly that a note by you would mean a lot. So please-please do it. 

I took all my books of photographs of the last 15 years work and color transparencies, I had a meeting with Mr Harten at The Kunsthalll in Dusseldorf  He was in favor of organizing a Chryssa exhibition but not before 1975  Then he also told me if I speak to any of his colleagues to mention that, then I took the heavy books [[strikethrough]] to all [[/strikethrough]] with me all the way to Holland

Transcription Notes:
Leverkusen borders the city of Cologne