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The War, we are told, is bringing us back to fundamentals. But long before Pearl Harbor, Marion Sandford was doing just that: --- making us realize the sterling dignity and beauty of women at their homely and age-old tasks.

There is in her work much of the same searching for eternal values as motivated Grant Wood in his painting. Unconcerned with temporary and fluctuating vogues in art, she goes straight to the very core of the subjects she loves and reveres. 

If people are sometimes amusing, doing the things they do, she makes them so, without a trace of malice. If they are lonely and brave and pathetic, she some-how imparts this poignancy with-out histrionics, and without losing the simplicity and directness of her modeling. Sincerity is the keynote of all her sculpture, as it is the basis of her own character.

Verily, in these days we need fundamentals, and we need sculptors like Marion Sanford to give them back to us.

Brenda Putnam