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Artists Win High Honors Of Academy 

Word has just been received here of distinct honors paid the work of two Warren artists, Gene Alden Walker and Marion Sanford, currently in New York and both represented in the annual midwinter exhibit of the National Academy of Design.
Two portrait entries are permitted by each artist invited to exhibit but only one is chosen for showing. Miss Walker's "Deborah in Costume", done last summer at Cape Cod, was awarded the Isaac N. Maynard Portrait Prize as "one of the two best pieces in the show", competing with 3,000 entries.
Miss Sanford received the Elizabeth N. Watrous Gold Medal award for her piece of sculpture. 

It will please Miss Sanford's friends to learn that she is soon to have the privilege of presenting a one-man show in New York, the data and place to be announced very soon. 

Feb. 17, 1943