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545 North Michigan Ave. 
Chicago 11, Illinois
May 28, 1964.

Dear Roy, 

Many thanks for your heroics. We received the poster studies and your notes yesterday and they went immediately into work. We chose the red and black one which had the gallery and "4 Californai Artists" on it - the more complicated one, and we expect the result to be extremely good. As soon as we get a proof from the printer, we will rush a few out to you.

I was in New York last week and got to Art Cart - finally. I made my selection of pictures for the show, and think I have a strong group of your work. I tended to prefer the more complicated pictures on lighter grounds, but I sent a list of my choices to Jim who has probably advised you. I didn't think the simpler pictures in this group were as good as the red one in your studio, and so I steered away from them. I also chose one construction - the very green one.

We have started work on the new space and with a lot of luck we will be ready by June 15th, but it will be close. Thanks again for your efforts, they turned out very well, and were much appreciated.
