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41 East 57th Street
New York 10022
PLaza 3-3180

September 23, 1974.

Dear Roy,

I was very sorry to miss you on my visit last month. As you probably know I was in Port Costa and saw Bailey the day you were due back from Oregon.  In fact we waited around Port Costa until late in the afternoon on the chance that you would get back before we had to leave. But you didn't appear, and we had to leave the next day, so we never got together.

Actually, I had hoped to visit with you and discuss what we should do by way of an event when your show comes to the Whitney Museum this spring. We have a few older pictures from your last show here that are currently in Chicago, and we've been "saving" them to use in connection with the show. However, in many ways it would be nice to have a few new pictures to show at the time of the show, and I wanted to mention this and get your reaction. Also, some new drawings would not be amiss either.

Anyway, do give it some thought and let me know what you think. I do think there is some substantial interest now for your work in the East, and it would be nice to help it along.

By the way, I was in Paris in May and saw Darthea Speyer who told me about the excellent reception your work received in Paris. It sound marvelous, and suggests that the time may ripe for old New York.

I expect you will be coming East for the show and that would be another reason for doing something. Also, ads in the art mags would be in order and the usual hoopla. So, let us start to think about all this now, so we are ready come the spring.

I'm looking forward to meeting your wife, and maybe you will be East before I'm West again.  At the moment, though, I expect to be back in California around Xmas.  If I do get there it will be a fine time to meet and talk everything over, but it isn't definite yet.

I'll look to hear from you and send my best,

As ever,

Roy DeForest
P.O. Box 47
Port Costa, Calif 94569

620 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago 60611
all cables: "Dellabella"