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A ALLAN FRUMKIN GALLERY, INC. 41 East 57th Street     
New York 10022 PLaza 3-3180 

March 13, 1975.

Dear Roy,

The new paintings arrived safely yesterday and they are very fine. In fact the show looks like its going to be very good and I'm pleased. The drawings and frames arrived safely too, and we are in the throes of getting them glazed and fitted. The show should go up this coming Monday without a hitch.

I'm enclosing the mailing cards for your exhibition. They are a little light, but not too far from the original. Let me know if you want any additional ones for spreading around. We will have a stack here for you when you come to town in any event.

We got the announcements today for your opening at the Whitney, and it official now for the 2nd of April. I'm looking forward to it and to seeing your show.

We've had good advance interest in your show - of course, having the Whitney Show at the same time doesn't hurt, and I think for once we are going to sell some pictures. I am hopeful the interest in "Canoe of Fate" continues, and that it ends up at the Philadelphia Museum.

This weekend is - put away Arneson time - and we are planning a long day on Sunday to clear the decks. The biggest pieces are going to take some time, but we have a new space in SoHo for storing and exhibiting pictures, and I hope to put up a couple of the Arnesons there after the show here.

I'll let you know how the show develops, and I'll look forward to seeing you here in New York around the 1st of April. Good luck, and many thanks for getting all the work together for us here, you did a very good job, and we are all grateful.

Many thanks and,
Best wishes,

Roy De Forest
P.O. Box 47
Port Costa, Calif. 94569

ALLAN FRUMKIN GALLERY, INC. 620 North Michigan Ave. Chicago 60611 all cables: "Dellabella"