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Dec -'49 for Univ. of Ill. Catalogue '50


Born in Savannah, Georgia, 1898. Considered to have been "for the past twenty years one of most influential teachers in California". He teaches at the Los Angeles Art Center School.

Statement: "My active interest in art began in my early youth. I have made extensive analyses of the mechanics of art and its philosophical aspects. The findings in my continuous search for constant and universal forms, structures and methods are the bases of every phase of my work, regardless of content, from semi-abstract (1920) to realistic romantic to non-objective. In my recent work I seek a pictorial classicism in which the "logic" of the images is answerable only to the lyrical imagination - purely creative iconography, unhampered by any other consideration and comparable to nothing in objective experience. I continue with greater freedom the realization of those subjective elements which have persisted in my work since the beginning : the monumental, the enigmatic, the sublimation of space itself. 

I believe that the artist must create his own micro-macrocosmic structures with the faith that they are immortal ; this is the constant motive force which drives him to seek a timeless instrumentality for his expression.  [[strikethrough]] This [[\strikethrough]] It is a fulfillment of the duality in man - expressing the singularity of his personality in terms of the collective constants."   

Transcription Notes:
- no dashes for words that end and continue on the next line