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Biographical data ;

Born in Savannah, Georgia, 1898; grew up in New York City; since 1927 has resided in Los Angeles.
Study and early work in New York and Paris; exhibiting since 1919. Although early training was classic, grounded in the principles of the Renaissance masters, became interested in modern movement at an early age (1917); work went through phases of abstraction, Neo-classicism, Post-surrealism, etc. Exhibited in major exhibitions and museums throughout the country.

Other activities: teaching and lecturing at Art Center School; Vice President and Chairman of Exhibitions, Los Angeles Art Association; Television art program, KRCA-NBC, "Feitelson on Art", since October, 1956.

Statement re: "Magical Space-Forms" ;
Space, with its expressive possibilities of monumental magnificence and mystery, and Rhythm, with its limitless potentialities for harmonic and emotional experience, are the two principal elements in my recent work. Color functions solely in the role of intensifying the activity of these elements.

The paintings I call "Magical Space-Forms" are free from three-dimensionally described objects, tangible space, perspective, light-and-shade, etc. The enigma of reality is greatly increased by a duality of interchangeable form and space, in which stark flat areas of color have ambigous existence, being both positive and negative, in a state of continual fluctuation. This movement creates the rhythm and counter-rhythm of a kind of organization which I find more assuring in its impeccability than all the methods I have learned from the Renaissance and Cezanne. There is nothing fortuitous or "automatic" in the creation of these Magical Space-Forms, fantastic through they are. Because I am concerned with durable vitality, rather than monetary frenzy, I find that my work demands full participation of both my sensibility and my critical faculties. 

December 1957