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February 17, 1975

Dear Diane :

Here are two sets of papers :
1- Answers to the questions in your last letter, plus some items Lorser thought of.
2- A partial re-typing of your Biographical Summary, with some deletions and some additions of material. I have noted deletions with a red line and a D, in the time-slots in which they occur. Words or passages underlined in red are either additions of information or, in a few cases, changes of wording that Lorser suggested. Aso, there are a few places where an item has been moved to a different time-slot without changing your text.

If this sounds confused or confusing, I hope that it will make sense when you compare my typescript with yours. As you will see, there are a couple of big chunks that did not re-type at all because there were only a couple of changes to be made. I have made two sets of carbon copies of all this stuff, so if you should want another copy of these papers I'll be glad to send you one of the carbon sets.

Harry was here all afternoon photographing some of the paintings on your list of needed photos. He has shot 18 or 20 sofar - more to do. We'll send them to you as soon as he gets a batch printed.

Love from Lorser and the typist,