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The original of this was purchased at the [[paper folded]] George M. Lathram and is in the possession of his family. this was copied for me by his son George. -- Peale

Washington and his Portraits by Rembrandt Peale
[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

"There is a Virtue in the Looks of a great man,"

The celebrated Traveller, Chateaubriand had but a transient interview with Washington__"Happy however" said he__" that his looks were cast upon me, I have felt myself warmed from it, all the rest of my life! There is a virtue in the looks of a great man."

It is impossible to contemplate the actions and character of Washington, without an earnest desire to know him, as it were, personally; and to be assured that his corporeal features were in accordance with his mental and moral grandeur. 

The patriotic veneration of Washington, transmitted as a sacred Inheritance to his Country, though proudly shown in the foundation of Cities bearing his name; & columns erected to his memory still would leave a blan[[?]]