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a blank to be filled - a duty unperformed - It would ever be desirable to to know his identical & peculiar look; and when we are assured that his aspect was as noble as his character, and that his steady Countenance corresponded with the firmness of his conduct, it is impossible to be indifferent to the Picture or the Sculpture which is intended to represent is impressive Image.

In the United States Senate Chamber I heard the eloquent voice of Henry Clay declare the patriot's sentiment that," he could have his Will, every Room in the Capital, & every House in the United States should be decorated with a Portrait of Washington."

It is persistent to our subject to quote a sentence from "Braden's Inquiry into the authenticity of the Portraits of Shakespeare"__"Of such a man"__says__says Braden__"Who would not wish to possess an exact resemblance?__our wish must be. by the aid of Picture, to enjoy him in private life; to sit with him in the same room; and, which we have before us the inspirations of his mind, to catch the characteristic look of his meditation