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[[stamped]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamped]]

Individual, at different ages and under various aspects.

The lapse of time has greatly lessened the number of those who had the opportunity of looking on the living form of Washington--and in a little time there will be no one left to say he had ever beheld him.. I am one of the few who now claim that advantage, possessing the privilege of expressing my original impressions, and authorized to compare them with others, concerning the personal appearance of Washington, and the various representations which have been intended as Portraits of him...Having known him for many years, & painted him from the life, I am required to furnish my Testimony, with the title which has been accorded to me as "The Historian of the Portraiture  of Washington."

Washington was six feet one inch in height, in his boots, six feet two - His weight about two hundred & twenty pounds-his complexion was florid--Eyes of the deepest blue-and hair a dark brown. My father's first portrait of him and his whole lengths, executed during the Revolutionary Contest, always represented him with short necks & board; sloping shoulders--