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plunged in a profound reverie, and Delametrie thought, now he is reflecting whether, or not, to be a second Washington; but from that moment it became manifestly his decision to pursue a different course.

The celebrated British Statesman, Lord Brougham in estimating the character of Washington - His courage in battle & in Council - unshaken Steadings of purpose - the most absolute self-denial - and subjugation of all the passions which carry havoc through ordinary minds - "Clothed with these attributes" - says Lord Brougham - "We must regard him as the Greatest man that ever lived."

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

In my schoolboy days, the celebration of his Birth was a holiday of the greatest excitement, it was my own Birth-day, 1778 - a pretty distinction among my Companions, which, however, gave the first impulse to my Curiosity, before I could appreciate the character of Washington.

After his diction to the Residency, "his progress to the seat of Government" says Loving - "was a continual ovation." at his arrival in Philadelphia, I was among the multitude.