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Mrs. Ws. Letter

From one of these miniatures an excellent Engraving has been made, purporting to be Washington at the age of 25.  This is a mistake. I have seen the miniature, in the very setting as furnished by my Father, and recognize the painting. Most unquestionably, as the work of my Father's pencil, Besides, it is in the Continental [[strikethrough]] costumes [[/strikethrough]] — not the British costume as it would have been at the age of 25. It is an undeniable fact, as asserted by my Father, I confirmed by Mr. Custis that he never sat for any Portrait before the year 1772.

   My Father painted a whole length miniature for the marquis de la Fayette, and whole lengths in oil for the states of New Jersey, Pensylvania & Maryland; and one which was sent to Spain, an excellent Duplicate of the one for Pennsylvania is in the Patent Office.

  He painted another Original Head of Washington in 1781, and again in 1783, and a whole-length for the college at Princeton, representing the Battle in the Background. The College possessed a Full-length of George 2d During the Battle, a Bullet from a British Cannon, passed through this Picture, which, thus ominously shattered and disgraced, was of course