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from public life, his retreat at Mount Veron was disturbed by Visiters all anxious to see his favorite White Horse to relieve himself from this annoyance, he proposed to my father, for whom he always entertained the kindest friendship to receive the Horse as part of his museum, where the public curiosity might be satisfied.  Not possessing a convenient arrangement for this purpose, my father declined the offer, at a later period it would have been accepted when my Brother Titian had become master of a Sculptural excellence in mounting animals properly to resemble life, which he learned from Waterton the naturalist, and might have been employed on the death of this noble specimen of the Horse

On a visit to Europe in 1829, I took my Portrait of Washington with me, I enjoyed the satisfaction it gave to many distinguished individuals in Naples Rome, Florence, Paris & London. It was exhibited in the Royal Academy of Florence with a Portrait of Horatio Grenough, who was then much depressed in spirits, but I encouraged him to persevere with the assurance that he would ere long be employed to execute a statue of Washington

In London it afforded me occasion for