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This series of Portraits I have presented with the assurance that each will be regarded as an interesting, memento of Washington- and in venturing to introduce my own inadequate as it may be to personate the great original. I have endeavored to fulfill a duty in the efforts I have made to perpetuate the countenance of our beloved Washington 

[[stamp]] Archives of American Art [[/stamp]]

"That name"- says one of our Great Statesmen "Shone, amid the storm of War,- a beacon light, to cheer & guide the Country's friends it flamed, too, like a meteor, to repel her foes. That name, in the days of peace, was a Load-Stone, attracting to itself a whole Peoples confidence, a whole people's love & the whole World's respect; that name descending with all time, spreading over the whole Earth and uttered in all languages belonging to the tribes & races of men, will forever be pronounced with affectionate gratitude by every one in whose breast there shall arise an aspiration for human rights and human liberty