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66    HAIR. 
The best method of Hair producing softness in representing hair that 
in contiguous to, or in small quantities on, flesh, is to scumble over the spots, where the hair is to be painted, with the colour of the shadow which the hair would make on the flesh. On this [[strikethrough]]ground[[/strikethrough]] preparation, the hair being delicately painted, appears of a thinner texture, & may be rendered more dense at pleasure. Dark hair is agreably painted with Black & Roman Red- the lights touched with the flesh colour. The lights of black hair are gray, whilst those of Brown hair are yellowish. 
In retouching hair, glaze it over with asphaltum- you can then 
delicately & pleasantly mould out the forms of the curls with black & ramen red, Vandycke brown, or otherwise, using black with raw umber to carry out into the ground the loose hairs,-or intermingling with it the colour of the back ground, as by reflection. Raw umber in the general colour of hair. 
67  Accuracy of Drawing. 
 It is impossible to be too accurate in drawing the features, therefore too much care cannot be taken in the first instance to secure this object, which is of a much importance that if it cannot be accomplished with a + out devoting one or two entire settings for this purpose, it need not be regretted, where the filter can afford the time; because, after the painting has been advanced, more time is consumed in the correction of faults, than would have been necessary at first to guard against them.
Besides the size, form & situation of the features, their perspective should be allended to, as well as that of the shoulders or actremities of the figure- dependent on the point of sight which should never be higher than the middle of the face- and lower for the shoulders, as if seen at a distance. 

68       Imitation of Colours.
 It will be found convenient, when a particular colour is not at hand, to know how to imitate it, by the combination of other colours,Raw-umber by black & brown oker; burnt siena, by raw siena & Venetion red; burnt umber, by Black & burnt siena or demars or vandyke Red, by Indian Red and ultramarine Blue. 
