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‡"Since colours and pigments are liable to Material influence, and changes of effect, from the Materials employed in painting for tempering, combining, disturbing, & securing them on their grounds in the various modes of the Art, the powers & prophecies of Vehicles and varnishes are of hardly less importance than those of colours themselves; they are, therefore, an essential branch of our subject, & an inquiry of interminable interest among artists"      Field.

"Varnishes [or vehicles] made of pure resinous substances, which have a very evident & peculiarly [[??]] effect whom colours that continues when they are dry; because resins form from a glossy transparent cement, while the media formed by expressed oils, become horny, or semi-opake."    Field.

"Combined with Linseed oil & oil of Turpentine, Copal Varnish affords a Vehicle superior in texture, strength, & durability to Mastic & its Macgilp, though in its application it is a less attractive instrument, & of more difficult [[strikethrough]] y [[strikethrough]] management: it is therefore, a desideratum with the Artist to form a Magilp of Copal which would stand up with the flimsy firmness of that Mastic."

#And for the Convenience of further dilution, in using the tints, a little of this Vehicle, thinned with poppy oil, in a small cup may be at hand, to be held with the Palette Knife or brush.