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Living Model.
*. "Let a living model be procured, where the Carnations, rich and healthy, may be faithfully imitated as to the variety of the local hues.  It should be placed in various light; now in the beams of the Sun, now in a more sober light, and now in the light of a lamp or Candle; at one time in the shade, at another in a reflected light.  By such practices the complexion of the body under different circumstances may be thoroughly learned & mastered; and the tints & half-tints produced in the colour of the skin by bones, blood vessels, or fat, may be duly attended to & discriminated.  A Student, thus instructed, would not be too forward in giving that [[underline]] rosy [[underline]] appearance to the flesh, which we see so often in practice; but would modestly adhere to the dictates of nature, as the [[underline]] fountain head [[underline]] of that perfection to which he is constantly aspiring."
[[underline]]Practical Treatise.[[underline]]