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This colour and Naples Yellow, (or yellow oker and white, mixed to the tone of Naples Yellow), not only forms a warm tint for tolerably deep shadows, especially beneath the brows - but in its lighter tints, by the admixture of white, it constitutes the most agreeable and natural transition tints of a cool hue; and writes well with the rich Carnation tints. The great advantage referred to is, that the mind is relieved from attention to the pigment, and consequently is better enabled to study from nature all that relates to form and character; especially in the important makings which are essential to obtain [[??]] in the short limits of a [[??]]. When the things which are to [[??]] the flesh are of a social and harmonizing lecture, the artist may freely intermingle them, without fear of producing what is called a dirty effect - and find himself [[??]] in changing [[??]] the lights, modifying the colours and [[??]] the gray tints. 
The Vandycke Red and its tints only differ from [[??]] of the Violet de Mars in being warmer, that is, lets blue, or purplish. [[strikethrough]] Indian Red may be used with the occasional addition of Blue. [[/strikethrough]]

Mixing of tints.
 In the act of compounding tints, it is of some importance to notice which should be taken first; for instance in mixing Vandyke Red and Naples Yellow, the Red must be added to the Yellows by small portions until the middle hue is obtained. So in the [[??]] of Vermillion and yellow Oker, or Raw Siena, the Vermillion must taken first and the other colours added by degrees, so that neither Red nor Yellow shall predominate. 

[[??]] of Copper.
This pigment, from its extreme [[??]] and drying quality, for it dries as well as [[??]] Blue or Burnt Umber, and it peculiarly harmonizing tone of colour, enables the artist when he wishes to deepen any shade, or even to mark them faintly in defining parts already painted, instead of repainting the parts - an advantage sometimes of inestimable value. Preparatory to glazing or [[??]] [[??]] with this colour, and toning down rounding