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the requisites of the pntr who will gain the applause of his contemporaries & command the veneration of posterity by the creation of his pencil."
"These were the powers displayed by the superb Michaelangelo ..." [these mention [[?]], Raphael, can't spell him [[?]]... all had these attributes mention their famous pntgs. Quotes an Eng poet who wrote of pntg "the sister art"]
"It was a long time the opinion of the learned that the ancient Gr + Romans, excellent as they were in architecture + sculpture, were inferior in pntg + knew nothing of anatomy, perspective, grouping + coloring. This judgement was founded on the pntgs discovered in the ruins of Pompeii, but few of which ranked above mediocrity. It was my good fortune to visit Pompeii, where on the walls of a lawyer's dwelling near the Forum were discovered pntgs of exquisite beauty, proving beyond a doubt that the ancients were profoundly acquainted w/ all schools of art, perfection of anatomical details, linear & [[?]] perspective, the excellence of coloring + mastery of pencil.
After seeing these, it was easy to believe in the the truth of Pliny's descrip. of the beauty + perfection of those works of ? and [[?]] which were pntd on movable pieces, on tabulae as they were called, & exhibited to the public for pay in the [[?]] cost of the temples. Appielle, the favorite of Alexander, became so rich and famous by the exhibition sale

Transcription Notes:
the underscore are for unknown letters and words. Based on what previous people wrote, assuming "pntg(s)" is an abbreviation of "painting(s)"