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[[left margin]] Gallery of copies is a great idea of Rep To Boston man reselling Ital. copies to Athenaeun [[/left margin]]

[Fr. gov't recently formed gallery of ]

"authentic copies of celebrated pictures belonging to other galleries. at once.  To possess the precious counterparts of works which cannot be bought, to employ the best talents in the country in making them & to the correct the bad taste of exclusive antiquarianism.
This is a measure the most suitable for America. None but the best specimens of ancient + foreign artists, excellent copies of them, should be offered to the emulation of your artists. Mr.Alston has written... 'one good copy is worth more than 100 originals'"

[Poem by Shoe - thrust of it is we have bad foreign art...we should take care of our own artists.] 

[[left margin]] Picturesque fad not to R+P's taste [[/left margin]]

The love of excellence, no matter when or where produced, is the result of a correct taste + a good sense but the exclusive passion for old pictures may be compared w/the romantic admiration of the picturesque which is more delighted w/the venerable view covered keein than all the beauty + utility of undilapidated architecture. Had such a sentiment

[[left margin]] of Harriet's awful visit to the houses in his covered [?]] [[/left margin]]