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ley there. and the ankel, wair, and the bobwir and the grass were so thickley we could not see any theing on the grond. But we were there with all of that we maded it good ontell terry sent up a flar. And then all went to the ground ontell it went out. Then it were for some time befor we could see a gan [again]. but it tole us right where we were. that were one time that terry did us a good tirn by sending up that flar. Now it were to get terrys patroal, if they were out, some time pased. And not a sound. could be hird, onley them big duns, and the shells flyeing over or heads, and they would go five miles, a way and burst after we were there for a short time we hearsa machine gun openup near us the bullets went crashing throu the
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gass as we were all in a shell hole at the time. a thought came to me all at once to look for the fair and at once I stuck my head above the shell hole. and i seenit well we could not do any theing with him being there. He were to close to us and no dout, he new, we were there, so we all layed low for a short time on tell the looey tole us to get that man so we made of for him one by one on tell he were in the middle of us and then we cloused in on hin he did not no what were up ontell a gun were at his head and he never said a wird but throu up his hands and he were taken to the or line. Every place we wonted to go we would hafter creep on or hands and nees to wher we wonted to go. So we wirked oir way back near wher we ca