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1. The Museum will give to objects deposited with it the same care they would receive if they were its own property, but it assumes no responsibility in case of loss or damage by theft, fire, or otherwise.

2. It rests with the discretion of the Museum as to whether, or for how long, objects lent to it shall be exhibited to the public.

3. In receiving or surrendering loans of imported objects the Museum requires that the lender comply with all government customs regulations.

4. Permission to copy or photograph objects lent to the Museum, except for Museum purposes, will not be given without the consent of the lender.

5. Upon surrender of this receipt, or upon the written order of the lender or his duly authorized and accredited agent or successor in interest, any object lent to the Museum may be withdrawn upon reasonable notice.

6. In case of the death of a lender, the legal representative of the deceased is requested to notify the Museum, giving his full name and address in writing and enclosing a certified copy of his authority.

7. The Museum will give reasonable notice in writing if it desires to have any object taken back by the lender. Such an object, if not withdrawn by the lender or his agent, may be placed in storage at the lender's risk and expense.