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, 1945

Loew-Lewin, Inc.,
9441 Wilshire Boulevard,
Beverly Hills, California.

Dear Sirs:

I hereby accept the invitation contained in your letter dated September 7, 1945, to execute an original painting on the subject of "The Temptation of Saint Anthony" and to submit it as an entry in the competition you are conducting in connection with your proposed motion picture production entitled "BEL AMI."

The painting is to be 36" x 48" in dimension, is to be done in oil and submitted unframed to a jury in New York, as directed in your letter, not later than January 15, 1946. I shall submit the painting on the following terms:

1. You agree to pay me a fee of $500.00 upon the delivery of the painting to the jury;

2. The painting shall remain my property, but you shall be entitled to use it in the following manner: You may reproduce it in your photoplay; you may exhibit it either alone or with other paintings submitted to the jury to advertise and exploit your photoplay, and you may publish or cause to be published reproductions of the painting in your press books and in magazines, newspapers and trade journals. You may also utilize the painting or reproductions of it for lobby displays in connection with the exhibition of your photoplay;

3. You shall have the right to copyright the painting or a reproduction of it in my name for our mutual protection;

4. Your use of the painting shall continue so long as you may deem it appropriate in connection with the distribution of your photoplay, but not exceeding two years after its submission;

5. If you secure insurance against the destruction of the painting in the sum of $3,000.00 payable to me, I shall consider that adequate compensation in the event of its destruction.

6. If my painting shall receive the award of the jury, I shall receive the additional sum of $2,500.00, and a photograph of it shall appear in your photoplay.

Your signature and my signature appended below will constitute this our agreement.

Very truly yours,

Horace Pippin

c/o Robert Carlen Gallery
323 S. 16th St., Phila. 2, PA.

BY Albert Lewin