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January 10, 1946

Dear Mr. Pippin:

I have been asked by Loew-Lewin, Hollywood producers of the film Bel Ami, to do the publicity for the Temptation of St. Anthony art competition for that film.

I believe you received a letter from Mr. Lewin a month or so ago asking you to have your photograph taken with your painting before the painting is finished.

The object of having a portrait of the artist with an unfinished painting is to give all the artists--instead of only the top winner--as much publicity as possible. The best way to do this is by releasing pictures of each artist taken beside his unfinished canvas before the completed pictures are turned in for judging.

For the purposes of the photograph, the canvas should be in an uncompleted state but should be far enough along to give some indication of what it will look like when finished. I should think the half or three-quarter stage would be the best.

If by any chance you have not had your photograph taken with the painting but have already finished the picture, please have the photograph made in such a way that part of the picture will be blotted out either by your own head or part of your body or by having one light focussed directly on the canvas in such a way that it will actually conceal a certain part of the painting. This is the way the picture was managed in the case of another artist who had finished her picture before having the photograph taken.  Fortunately, the photographer was able to focus one of his lights directly on the most important part of the painting so that it appears to be [[strikethrough]] light struck [[/strikethrough]] unfinished and that part of the painting is not clear. 

I believe you have been informed by Loew-Lewin that they are allowing $10 to each artist for the purpose of this photograph. Therefore you can either pay for the photograph and send the company the receipted bill for reimbursement to you or you may send the bill direct to Loew-Lewin. Please be sure, however, to send the photograph, with the photographer's and address name, direct to me at this Museum. I will then order extra prints direct from the photographer and will pay him for these.

I need the photograph not later than Tuesday, January 22. Won't you please see that I have it by that time?

With best wishes.

Sarah Newmeyer