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June 15, 1977

Robert Carlen 
323 South 16th Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19102

Dear Bob, 

I've changed my insurance company. This present company, Colonial Penn, must have your appraisal of the Horace Pippin burnt wood panel painting, "winter Scene" which I bought from you and which you last appraised in 1975, appraised this year. 

Rather than bothering you with a request for another letter, I am enclosing a copy of your last appraisal and I thought you might just update it at the bottom. However, I leave that up to you. 

There was a show of "T o Hundred Years of Black Artists Painting" at the Los Angeles County Museum"here last year, in which two of Pippin's burnt wood panel paintings were exhibited. Neither were as fine an example of this type of his work as the one I own. 

You might be interested in knowing that my daughter Anne S trick has had her book "Injustice For All", published by Putnam's. She has been traversing the country, speaking on radio, appearing on T.V. promoting her book. 

I hope you and your family have been well. I will appreciate hearing from you soon. 

Rhea Laskin Wachsman 

400 South Barrington Avenue·Los Angeles, California 90049·472-7608