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Scarboro, Maine
March 28th, 1892

My Dear Mr. Clarke,

I never for a moment have forgotten you in connection with what success I have had in art

I am under the greatest obligations to you and will never loose an opportunity of showing it

I shall always value any suggestion that you may make.

The companion to "Eight Bells" that we talked about two years ago--I still have, but found that it was not good enough. But it may be at any time as chance may turn it into a good picture. Now that you have space "your Homer gallery" [-] I can from time to time as you fancy any [-] work let you have it [[and will be glad to have it]] with you in place of returning it to my studio.

The pictures that Reichard now have if they are not sold by May 1st you are welcome to (as a loan) if you will store them in your gallery for two years (more or less)

I wish to thank you for that [[strikethrough]](2) [[/strikethrough]] P.[ennsylvania] A.[cademy]  Catalogue from Phila[ [[strikethrough]] delp [[/strikethrough]] hia]
Yours very truly
Winslow Homer


Mr. Thomas B. Clarke
4 East 34th Street
New York City