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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner District Columbia,
Washington, September 11th 1866.

Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard
Commr. Bureau R. F. and A. L.


I have the honor to state that the limit by recent legislation of the salary of an agent of this Bureau, to "twelve hundred dollars", will reduce the pay of my Superintendent of Education fifty dollars per month, and that the present incumbent declines to serve at this rate of compensation. I would further submit that the reduced pay, will not in my opinion, command the services of men of the talent and requirement desirable, for said office, and request that authority be given, if possible, to give additional pay per month, to my Superintendent of Education.

Very Respt. Your Obt. Servant
C. H. Howard
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Asst. Comr.