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C287 R.F.& A.L. Vol 8, 1866
Washington, Sept. 10th

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

Chamberlain, S.E.

Applies for an appointment as clerk in the Bureau R.F.&A.L.
-Has served in the Army, having entered it as 2nd Lieut. Aug 10th 1862. and was honorably discharged July 7th 1865. as Capt 25th N.Y. Cavalry,- and has since been brevetted Major.
-Calls attention to enclosed recommendatory letter from Hon. J.S. Morrill of Vt - Enclosure retd left 12 at request of applicant

(1 Enclosure)
Enclosure rec'd bk Feb 15./66
appointed on trial Oct 15./66
[[strikethrough]] Relieved Nov 12/66 [[/strikethrough]]
resigned Febr-67

[[stamp]] Bureau R. F. & A. L Rec'd Sep 10 1866 Washington [[/stamp]]

Bureau RF&AL
Washington Sept 10th/66

The within application having been referred to me I respectfully forward the same with the remark that I believe that the record and the qualifications of the applicant are such as to entitle him to receive an appointment in the civil service of the government under the act of congress creating this Bureau and limiting the number of its clerkships there is no vacancy in this office.

Fred Wooster Owen
Chief Clerk
Bur R F & A L

Transcription Notes:
added missing words Edited