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and furthering of our wealth and outward estate. Not to weary your patience any farther with general remarks and preliminaries upon the subject of our deplorable condition, we do now [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] proceed to assign a few principal reasons why we desire the removal of Gen'l. Scott of the Freedman's Bureau - Charleston, S.C.

Reason 1st
According to the contracts which vary on different plantations, we agreed to give one half or one third, according as expressed in the contract, of the cotton to the owners of the land; Now Genl. Scott has issued an order commanding the colored people of [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Edisto to store both shares in buildings furnished by the land owners, who are authorized to put it under lock and key until all the crop be gathered in. Now Respectful Sir, this is no part of any of our contracts; and 


the unfairness of the order may be plainly seen by the following illustrations. A man wishes to procure necessary clothing or provision for his destitute family. He has no money or means to procure them unless he sell a portion of his share of cotton. But this he can not do, for it is under lock: and consequently his family must suffer until the whole crop is collected which may take months. Besides, Sir, this order is enforced [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] at the point of the bayonet every day! Again, Most honorable Sir, we consider when we have divided our cotton [[strikethrough]] shares [[/strikethrough]], we are as capable of taking care of our own part as well, if not better than our foes.

Reason 2d

Gen'l Scott contrary to all law and order and even the Articles of the Constitution & Civil Rights Bill has commanded us [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] under the penalty of threats to hold no mass meetings or conventions of the people on this Island (Edisto). This is to stop in a great measure all important public news as this is the only method by 

Transcription Notes:
corrected strikethrough notations - dash goes / not \ inserted strikethrough notations Added "no" before mass meeting in last paragraph.