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which the people can obtain the news of the country, we having no public journals or News papers, and if we had very few could read them.  In an interview with your honor, you specially advised us to hold conventions of the people as that was the proper mode of enlightening the minds of the people on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] general news and political lotrics. On a certain occasion we called a meeting to inform the people of certain government lands for [[strikethrough]] sail [[/strikethrough]] sale, where upon Gen'l Scott influenced by the whites of this island forbade us calling any more meetings, annexing unexpressed threats. 

[[note]] C302 R.F. & A.L. Vol 8 1866 [[/note]]

Most honorable and respectful, Sir:  we as a people have at all times and under all circumstances endeavored to maintain an honest, polite, and faithful character in all our dealings & transactions with all whom duty calls us to come in contact, - friend & foe, but such is the treatment we receive in return, and now as Head of the Freedmens Bureau invested with supreme authority, we do pray, and beseech at the throne of the Bureau on which you sit to execute justice & equity and plead for the oppressed, to either revoke these grievous orders of Gen'l Scott or relieve him of his office!

Praying that the Omniscient Jehovah will ensue you with knowledge, wisdom, judgment, prudence and discretion to act aright in this matter, and hoping whatever alterations you may deem proper it to make, [[strikethrough]] as well [[/strikethrough]] or whatever may be your candid opinion, and judgment of the merits of this correspondence may be published in some of the leading Journals and News papers of the country, particularly the state of S.C.

Hoping to hear from you soon, We remain your most Humble & obdt Servts. The People of Edisto Island S.C.


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