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C302 R.F. & A.L. Vol 8, 1866

Office A. Com'r Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Augusta, Ga.,   Octr. 25, 1866

Respectfully returned to Maj. Gen. Howard Com'r, whose attention is invited to enclosed report of Captain Geo. R. Walbridge A.A.I.G.  Most of the outrages referred to had already been reported to the office, and steps had been taken to arrest the guilty parties - On 6th ult., a garrison was sent to Heard Co. and is still there - The Comd'g Officer has the names of the alleged guilty parties, with orders to arrest them whenever and wherever found - A few of the number were arrested, and it is reported the rest have left the Country.

Davis Tillson
Bt. Maj. Genl
& Ass't Com'r


E.&M. 366   File.

(Five Enclosures)
Note End to Return