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After these statements were received, I visited a portion of Troup, Heard, Coweta, and Merriweather, Counties, and endeavored to find some evidence that might lead to the arrest and detection of the guilty parties, but I was entirely unsuccessful, as the ones concerned in these transactions, known as the "Black Cavalry" had either disguised themselves so completely that they could not be recognized, or the negroes were so intimidated, that, they were afraid to give any information, as they were fearful if they did, they might be visited by the same gang, and their lives forfeited, and from conversations I had with some of them, I think the latter conclusion is correct. I ascertained however, that, the wife of the freedman that was murdered (Jas. Daniels) and referred to in statement No 1. (one), had recognized one of the attacking party, as a white man by the name of Anderson Couch, who lives in Heard Co; but this woman had moved to Greenville in Merriweather Co.

I at once returned to La Grange and addressed a communication to the Hon Hiram C. Warner, Judge Superior Court of Troup and to the Hon L H. Featherton Judge, Superior Court of Heard Co. relating to these outrages, copies of which are herewith annexed marked "A and B.